Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ziti With Creamy Tomato Sauce

Another chilly day up here on my little farm so I decided to try another pasta dish. Maybe I should lay off the carbs but walking to and from the barn in 4ft of snow and exercising Caliber in the freezing cold I think I can handle it, haha. Ray had pointed out a recipe for creamy tomato sauce to me at one point so that's what I picked!

While you wait for a pot of water to boil for your ziti, heat a pan on medium heat and add in some extra virgin olive oil, with about a tablespoon of unsalted butter.
While the butter melts, chop up about 1/2 a yellow onion...
As well as 2-3 cloves of garlic... (I LOVE garlic so I always go on the high end)
Add the ziti into the boiling water and add the onion and garlic into the pan of oil and butter... (the smell will make you melt)
Once the onions have cooked and are soft, add in a 15 oz can of tomato sauce...
Give it a stir and add in about 1/2 a tablespoon of sugar.... (weird, right? But it really evens the dish out, promise!)
Crack in some sea salt to taste...
Along with some fresh cracked black pepper...
You might be saying to yourself, typical tomato sauce... WRONG! Here's where you transform it into an orange creamy deliciousness! Slowly stir in 1/2 cup of heavy cream...
Then start to stir in 1/2 cup of freshly grated parmesean cheese... (before I dumped it into the pot I finely grated it in the food processor to quicken up the melting process)
Drain the ziti...
And add it right in with the sauce. (If the sauce seems to thick you can add in a tablespoon of hot water to loosen things up a bit) Give it a stir and serve hot with some freshly grated parmesean and chopped parsley on top! So delicious!

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